Well it has been over a year since I last posted, but I am back and hope to create a steadier stream of postings to this site. In sort of a catch up theme, I am going to post a mass grouping of paintings just to get them up and visible. The plan is to come back and add some more interesting background information on individual paintings. Now that summer is on the way (not that the weather is suggesting that yet here in Wisconsin) plein air painting events will soon be underway. New posts and paintings from those events will be forthcoming.
There are a few paintings yet to be photographed so stop back soon to check them out.
Bukolt Park (Stevens Point)-Sold |
Awaiting the Season |
Chicken Shack |
Karen |
Monches Vista |
Sailing Day-Sold
Just as I had the painting underway, sure enough the owner came and casted off. Snapped a couple of pictures for reference. |
Sunny Tracks (quick paint)-Sold |
Bradford Beach Sunrise-Sold |
Cedar Creek Park (quick paint)-Sold
Just before the time limit it started to storm which made for an interesting finish. So interesting that I accidentally left a letter out of my name. D'oh. |
Cedar Creek Willow (currently at Zak's Cafe) |
In the Distance |
Milwaukee Lions-Sold |
Milwaukee Sky Lake City-Sold |
Monches Farm |
Peninsula State Park-Sold |
Relaxing Cedar Creek-Sold |
Pritzlaff-Sold |
Uplifting (currently at Zak's Cafe) |
Zuenert Park-Sold |